Guangzhou Lighting Fair

2021, Guangzhou China

See HD video on Youtube
See HD video on Bilibili

Light and Sound interactive installation

At the demand of Designer Mingshi Lighting, Manufacturer K Plus Future Tech and Producers A Lighting we realized an installation for the 2021 edition of Guangzhou Lighting Fair's conference space.

The concept is to recall the Chinese traditional atmosphere of a painting representing scholar gathering in a bambou forest. Within the light fixtures and the bambou plants 8 speakers diffused spatialized sound, audio and light mapping being connected in Usine HH.

The above video is a rendered simulation: bamboo shaped fixtures by K Plus appearance and functionalities have been digitalized, animation and audio contents have been designed, visited through VR headset and approved in this virtual environment, where the control system have been calibrated in advance. This preparation allowed an installation within the short delay allowed by commercial exhibitions.

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